Maria João Loureiro (female) is an assistant professor at the Department of Education and Psychology and member of the research center in didactic and technology in teachers training (CIDTFF – Her research interests are related to Educational Technology, Science Education, Evaluation and Assessment. She is the coordinator of the Digital Contents Lab of the CIDTFF as well as of the project RedeSIDEdu ( She was involved in several international projects, such as Galanet, Galapro, MIRIADI and P@lmes and advisor of the research group PYDES (Pedagogía y Didáctica en la Educación Superior), UMNG, Colombia. Currently she is also interested in evaluation and assessment in blended learning contexts, namely in the development of quality frameworks based competencies evaluation. In that context she published several papers as, for instance:
Loureiro, MJ., & Pombo, L. (2012). Práticas de avaliação formativa por pares em contextos de bLearning e de colaboração – perceções de alunos de um programa doutoral. In João Batista Bottentuit & C lara Pereira C outinho (Orgs). Educação online: conceitos, metodologias, ferramentas e aplicações (pp. 97-110). Editora C RV (ISBN 9788580423419).
Pombo, L. & Loureiro, M.J. (2013). Using Peer Assessment for Promoting the Learning Process in a Doctoral Blended Learning Program A Longitudinal Design-based Research Approach. International Journal of Advanced C orporate Learning, 6(3). Available at:
Loureiro, M., Bettencourt, T., y De Souza, F. (2013) Alargando os espaços de aprendizagem na formação inicial de professores em regime de blended learning. Revista academia y virtualidad, 6(2), 1123. (ISSN 20110731). Disponível em:
Loureiro, M. J., Pombo, L, & Moreira, A. (2012). The quality of peer assessment in a wikibased online context: a qualitative study. Educational Media International. 49(2), 139–149 (ISSN 09523987). Abstract available at:
Pombo, L, Loureiro, M. J., & Moreira, A. (2010). Assessing collaborative work in a higher education blended learning context: strategies and students’ perceptions. Educational Media International. 47(3), 217–229 (ISSN 09523987). Abstract available at: