Mónica Lourenço (female) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro (Portugal), where she teaches and supervises Master’s students in the area of Early Years and Language Teacher Education. She is a member of the Research Centre “Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers”, and she integrates the Open Laboratory for Foreign Language Learning (LALE). She has participated in national and international projects on plurilingualism and intercomprehension (namely, Redinter and Koinos), collaborated in the organization of scientific events, and is a member of editorial boards in the area of education. Research and publication areas include education for diversity in the early years, early years’ language education, internationalisation of the curriculum, and global teacher education.
2015-present: KOINOS. European Portfolio of Plurilingual Literacy Practices, funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by the Institut Municipal d’Educació de Barcelona, Spain.
2015-present: SPIRAL. School-teacher Professionalisation: Intercultural Resources and Languages, funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by the Centre International d’Études Pédagogiques, France.
2014-present: Internationalising pre-service teacher education: an opportunity to educate globally competent teachers? Postdoctoral research project, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, supervision by Ana Isabel Andrade and Michael Byram (SFRH/BPD/94768/2013).
2008-2011: Redinter. Thematic Network in Intercomprehension, funded by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme and coordinated by the Catholic University of Portugal (143339-2008-LLP-PT-KA2-KA). http://www.redinter.eu/web/
Lourenço, Mónica (2014). Um currículo para a diversidade: propostas para a educação da infância [A curriculum for diversity: Proposals for early childhodd education]. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 66(2), 1-11 (ISSN: 1681-5653). http://www.rieoei.org/expe/6388Lourenco.pdf
Lourenço, M. & Andrade, A.I. (2015). Educar para a diversidade e desenvolver a consciência fonológica: propostas pedagógico-didáticas para o jardim de infância [Educating for diversity and developing phonological awareness: Proposals for pre-primary schools]. Cadernos do LALE, Série Propostas 9. Aveiro: UA Editora (ISBN: 978-972-789-442-0).
Lourenço, Mónica & Andrade, Ana Isabel (2014). Promoting phonological awareness in pre-primary education: Possibilities of the “awakening to languages” approach. Language Awareness, 23(4), 304-318 (ISSN: 0965 – 8416). DOI: 10.1080/09658416.2013.783585
Mourão, Sandie, & Lourenço, Mónica (Eds.). (2015). Early Years Second Language Education: International Perspectives on Theory and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.