Rosa Maria Faneca (female) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and Invited Assistant Professor at the Superior School of Education (Viana do Castelo, Portugal) where she teaches and supervises master’s students in the area of Language Teacher Education. She is a member of the Research Centre ‘Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers’ (CIDTFF) and of the Open Laboratory for Foreign Language Learning (LALE). Her research interests are centred on pedagogy for linguistic and cultural diversity, plurilingualism, and heritage, regional and minority languages and cultures in schools. She is a member of the Association EDiLiC (Éducation et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle). She has participated in national and international projects in the field of linguistic and cultural diversity, and plurilingualism (Aproximações à Língua Portuguesa: atitudes e discursos de não nativos, residentes em Portugal, Miriadi and Koinos). She is Scientific Supervisor of several Master’s dissertations on these same themes.
Peer esteem indicators include: reviewer for journals (Indagatio Didactica), external examiner of Master theses; invitation to give seminars in schools and organizer of 4th International Congress of EDiLiC, Education et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle).